Fund information
Antares High Growth Shares Fund
Fund description: The Fund is an actively managed portfolio of Australian equities listed, or expected to be listed on the Australian share market investing in both long and short positions.
Investment approach: The Fund uses active trading, along with the ability to use exchange traded derivatives with the aim of enhancing returns for investors. The Fund is restricted to holding no more than 25% of the Fund’s NAV in short positions.
The purchase of additional securities using proceeds from short selling is limited to a further 25% of the Fund’s NAV. This means the total (gross) equity market exposure to the Australian equity market is limited to 150% of the Fund’s NAV.
Fund objective To outperform the S&P/ASX 200 Total Return (after fees) over rolling five-year periods. APIR code PPL0106AU Inception date 7 December 1999 Benchmark S&P/ASX 200 Total Return Index Minimum suggested timeframe
5 years plus Management fee 1.05% p.a. of the net asset value of the Fund (including GST net of Reduced Tax Credit) Performance fee 20% of the Fund's return (after deducting the Management fee) in excess of the Benchmark plus 5% Minimum initial investment $20,000 Minimum additional investment $5,000 Risk level Very high: While the Fund offers investors the potential for higher returns over the long term compared to funds investing in other types of assets such as fixed income or cash, the high level of volatility in the Fund means the likelihood of the value of your investment going down over the short term is relatively very high.
Distribution frequency Quarterly Indicative asset allocation ranges
Australian equities (Long): 90% -125%
Australian equities (Short): 0%-25%
Cash and cash equivalents: 0%-10%Research ratings Lonsec: Recommended
Zenith: Approved
The above is just a snapshot of the Fund's terms and features. Further terms and conditions are set out in the Fund's PDS. 0.35% pa of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits).
0.35% pa of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits).
How to invest
Direct investors
Speak to your financial adviser for more information or invest directly through the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available on the Antares Capital Resources page , opens in new window
Speak to your Business Development Manager for more information on available platforms.