Fund information
Antares Income Fund
Fund description: The Fund focuses on generating a regular income while aiming to preserve capital and liquidity. Antares does this by actively managing a diverse portfolio of primarily high credit quality fixed income securities and cash, while carefully managing exposure to rising interest rates
Investment approach: In an unpredictable and constantly changing world, Antares actively manages the Fund using a five step macro research process to identify economic and industry trends. This top down process is combined with analysis of the interest rate yield curve and bottom up credit research to manage risk and identify the most attractive securities that it believes will best achieve the Fund’s return objective.
Fund objective The Fund aims to provide regular income, and a return (after fees) that exceeds the Benchmark, over rolling three year periods. APIR code PPL0028AU Inception date 4 November 2013 Benchmark Bloomberg AusBond Bank Bill Index Minimum suggested timeframe
1 to 3 years
(Please note this is a guide not a recommendation).
Management fee 0.29% p.a. of the Fund's net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits). Minimum initial investment $20,000 Minimum additional investment $1,000 Risk level Low to medium: The likelihood of the value of your investment going down over the short term is low to medium compared to funds investing in other types of assets such as property securities and shares. The lower level of volatility means the Fund has less potential for higher returns over the long term.
Distribution frequency Quarterly Indicative asset allocation ranges
Fixed income securities issued in Australian dollars: 0-100%
Fixed income securities issued in foreign currencies: 0 – 50%
Cash and short-term securities: 0-100%
The Fund may invest in a broad range of securities and derivatives directly or through funds managed by Antares, including:- government and government-related bonds
- corporate bonds
- mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities
- hybrid and convertible securities
- cash and short-term securities, and
- interest rate and credit derivatives including swaps, options and futures.
Large foreign currency exposures are hedged into Australian dollars.
Research ratings Lonsec: Investment Grade The above is just a snapshot of the Fund's terms and features. Further terms and conditions are set out in the Fund's PDS. 0.35% pa of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits).
0.35% pa of the Fund’s net asset value (including GST, net of Reduced Input Tax Credits).
How to invest
Direct investors
Speak to your financial adviser for more information or invest directly through the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) available under Resources.
Speak to your Business Development Manager for more information on available platforms.
ASX mFund Settlement Service
If you don’t have an existing stockbroking account, contact a participating broker today. A complete list of participating stockbrokers can be found on the ASX website , opens in new window.